About Me

- cautiondriverknitting
- Wife and mother who has occasional fits of creativity!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Think of the Possiblities
Two weeks ago, my bad knee started feeling unhappy. From achy and sore one afternoon to unable to walk without pain or straighten by the next morning. A visit to the chiropractor confirmed the worst: time to go see an orthopedic surgeon. After removing the loose piece of cartilage from my knee joint, the surgeon found it appropriate to drill quite a few holes in the femur where the cartilage came off. It will require that am on crutches and do absolutely NO weight bearing activity for six weeks. No stepping or driving on that leg. Dragging myself around to do anything right now is exhausting. So, I am happy to do things that I can do sitting!
I had brought my sewing projects downstairs to the dining room and I actually sewed left footed yesterday. It worked out fine and we set the ironing board up next to me super low so that I could easily turn and press my pieces; it worked so well I may incorporate this into my sewing routine forever! The Texas Renaissance Festival is coming up and I really need to get my friends' costumes completed -the last thing I want to do is stress them out. So those are going to be the first projects in the can. After that, I have a nice stack of dress fabric that I will be ready to turn into some great things. Rob and I also did a duct tape mannequin of myself so that I can fit my personal garments on that. I can't stand up straight right now, so fitting on myself is out.
I have got some cute dotted swiss cotton that I am going to turn into Vintage Vogue 8728
I have seen some great versions of this dress and I am excited to give it a go!
Also, I purchased some nice navy blue cotton pique, I was thinking it could turn into either Vintage Vogue 1084
or perhaps, Vintage Vogue 2902
That's a start! For this very moment I am looking forward to enjoying the gorgeous pork loin dinner that our neighbor brought over for us, while watching The Young Victoria and knitting my Good Bias Shrug by Lisa Daehlin from IK way back in 2005.
Life is great, in a way, even if I have been forced to slow down. I wouldn't be able to do it without my great family and friends to help out!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Joann Coupons...Energizing Lifeforce,or Just Comforting Ritualistic Behavior?
Today I went to Joann's. I also went yesterday, but I had to abandon everything and leave. I was on a mission of picking up every trinket on sale I thought I needed, and picking out some fabulous Red Tag clearance at half off of the regular price. Yesterday and today I looked at the wait at the cutting counter and I knew that there was no way I was even going to try it. No fabric for me this weekend, it was a mob. I am telling you, crafty ladies are crazy, y'all...we flock to that store with our coupons. And there are ALWAYS coupons. Last week I used every one that I had in my purse, my email and my phone,and all of a sudden I realized that I was going to have to wait almost an entire week to shop with a coupon and I actually felt a little bummed out. My behavior is a little obsessive, I was online plotting the ten McCall's Patterns I could select for a dollar apiece, and the ten Vogue Patterns I could get for $3.99 apiece when this Labor Day Sale begins. I always carry the mailer around in my purse so that I can look at it when I am bored and contemplate each item that I can get at a deep discount and what I can do with it. I scan the fabrics online and visualize where in the store it is located so I can find it easily when I get there. Who am I kidding, I need help.
I did do pretty well for myself in the store otherwise, though. Two packs of scrapping cardstock for the boys and me, the correct Viking bobbins for sure this time, a cool pill organizer to organize my sewing machine feet, and candy for the boys who have been unbelievably cooperative and sweet this weekend! Also two dress patterns, a shirtwaist and a sheath, both McCall's. Sorry no numbers or links yet! I did feel inspired by both of them and I felt they could really work for me so I cannot wait to find out and I'll most likely show you then. Something weird that happened, I also bought a new tomato pincushion to replace my old one, it's strawberry emery was missing and it was pretty beat up, so when I unwrapped the new one I was tossing the old one and I thought, "I know there's a LOT of needles in there, I had better cut it open over the wastebasket (because I know it is full of sawdust) and get them out." I was not prepared for the number of needles I found in there. there were at least SIXTY of them, in all shapes and sizes. A lot of them were quilt betweens, very short and tiny, and ideal for disappearing. Back when I was hand quilting (before children), I would load up five or six needles at a time with thread so I could just quilt away with minimal interruptions, so it doesn't surprise me that some could disappear into the abyss of the tomato.
Right now we are getting a little rain from the very edge of Tropical Storm Lee. It is very soft and calm and I am glad for it for now. The boys have two guests sleeping over and the house is nice and quiet in bed and I am just feeling lucky that it all turned out this way. I hope it stays rainy and mellow all weekend, that would make great sewing weather. My friend whom I am sewing the Renaissance costumes for is coming over tomorrow and I she is going to provide moral support while I construct. She doesn't sew but maybe she will by the time we are done! Cheers.
Friday, September 2, 2011
It's All About Texas, and Sewing
Hi friends, in the last year we have relocated to Texas and are into our second school year here. We love it! We have some wonderful neighbors and a beautiful new home. I feel very spoiled and undeserving of this awesome home and lifestyle, yet it is fun because it makes me feel like more of a real grown up and comforted that I keep a nice house like my mother did:) At any rate, my husband loves his new job and the kids are in a great school system that we have high hopes for them in.
One great thing-I got a special sewing space of my own. My neighbor asked if I wanted her desk and matching craft table-turns out it was perfect for the space and my needs. Now I feel like I can spend the whole day up there sewing and crafting. I have been working on re-organizing my already fair system up there. I currently have two renaissance costumes I need to finish, five Halloween costumes, stacking roman shades for the whole house and exercise wear; but the only things I really want to make are dresses!
We are currently awaiting Tropical Storm Lee. I really don't expect much of anything to happen to us, just some nice sewing and movie watching weather. I just hope we don't lose power.
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