I try and try, but the messes at home keep catching up with me. I have a few books that pertain to housekeeping and Feng Shui. Even though the one I love the best (Clear your Clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston) is missing, I probably have it memorized anyway. Success is going to depend on keeping the kids occupied and not tearing up their area while I straighten up and perfect things...Hello Television! That is so sad, but they are pretty good about TV and not obsessive so a little bit a day is totally OK with me. J could go overboard because he is an Asperger's kid and will get overly drawn in which isn't good, so I am going to try a timer for his viewing. I am just trying to start living the way I want to, neat and clean and I am done with disorder and I need to process the junk everyday! School papers, artwork, forms, work stuff, toiletries, cleaning products, jewelry because I sell it! I must enjoy this clearing process because I never seem to be finished with it!
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