Well, I am finally working a little more on the quilt top I pieced BEFORE I was pregnant with Jack. I cut and stitched all of these Dresden Plate wedges by hand on the oil tanker Rob was working on back in 1998. I sailed with them from LA to Portland, taking about 4 days. This is the closest I have been to a cruise, ever! Anyway, there was no rotary cutter, just a template. No sewing machine, just needles and thread. The only machine sewing that has gone into this quilt so far is the stitching done after these pictures, putting the white blocks together. I also took off these too-small circles (my middles were too wide and the raw edges of the wedges showed, not a good look. So I sucked it up and tore off all of the appliques I had completed, then I went and found a rusty red I liked. I also found a light sage-y green I need to do the center of the flowers and the vines that will encircle the borders. The green I had was more blue- boy, colors have come a long way, I couldn't find a hip green to save my life way back when! I would have done an apple green but none of those looked right with my other colors, this one was the best choice even if it isn't quite as exciting as I would have wanted. It was REALLY hard to decide, and I consider myself good with color sense. I really admire people with those definite and exact color editing skills. Anyway, here are a few shots for you to enjoy.
I am quite aware I am not knitting. I am almost ready again, got a little frustrated with the sock knitting, I tried a monkey but I don't know, the yarn was uninspiring or the fit was uncertain, I just got discouraged. I do hit a wall on things. Then I did nothing but Facebook and that was a huge time suck, so I rarely post on that anymore. It is always so extreme with me, pick one thing up, get really attached and rigid, use the energy up for it completely until I figuratively wad it in a ball and toss it in a mental wastebasket. Then many months later I will lovingly fish it out and smooth the wrinkles. I will try and complete my Monkey's before vacation, because I am attending the Sock Summit in Portland and I want to feel excited and inspired. I want to be in the perfect state of craft for that...
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